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Nie-do-końca łanszot Deadlands |
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Alan Tudyk Droid

Dołączył: 11 Maj 2003 Skąd: дикая охота Status: offline
Grupy: AntyWiP Tajna Loża Knujów WOM
Wysłany: 20-08-2013, 05:07 Nie-do-końca łanszot Deadlands
Dobra, jak się wszyscy już wrócą możemy ustalać termin sesji, zatem...
Odlicz! |
_________________ I can survive in the vacuum of Space

Dołączyła: 08 Lis 2009 Skąd: wiesz? Status: offline
Grupy: Tajna Loża Knujów
Wysłany: 20-08-2013, 09:41
Chińczyk, sztuk jeden, chętny do dalszej gry. |
_________________ "People ask me for advice all the time, and they ask me to help out. I'm always considerate of others, and I can read situations. Wait, aren't I too perfect?! Aren't I an awesome chick!?"

Dołączyła: 30 Lip 2002 Status: offline
Grupy: WIP
Wysłany: 20-08-2013, 10:47
Ja! |
_________________ Every little girl flies. |

Dołączyła: 22 Maj 2009 Status: offline
Grupy: Melior Absque Chrisma WOM
Wysłany: 20-08-2013, 11:35
Ja też.
I Ić, której się nie chce logować. |
_________________ Gdy w czarsmutśleniu cichym stał,
Płomiennooki Dżabbersmok
Zagrzmudnił pośród srożnych skał,
Sapgulcząc poprzez mrok!
Wędrowiec Astralny

Dołączył: 25 Lut 2004 Skąd: Przestrzeń Astralna (Warszawa) Status: offline
Grupy: Tajna Loża Knujów
Wysłany: 20-08-2013, 20:59
Ja również. |
Morning Glory

Dołączyła: 03 Sty 2010 Skąd: Z północy Status: offline
Grupy: Syndykat WOM
Wysłany: 25-08-2013, 20:41
<mamrot mamrot>
Poza jednorazowym wybrykiem na Polcon w najbliższym czasie nie ruszam się z domu, ale od razu zapowiadam, że przez mój tryb funkcjonowania odpada tydzień. Z niedzielą prawdopodobnie niechętną i piątkiem jak cie mogę :D
Ja wiem, że to daje małe pole do manewru dlatego jakbym była wybitną kulą u nogi to się wycofam. Ni tam emocenie pod tytułem "nie mogę grać, więc grajcie beze mnie" tylko jestem jak najbardziej świadoma braku swojej elastyczności. |
_________________ "I like my men like I like my tea - weak and green."
Alan Tudyk Droid

Dołączył: 11 Maj 2003 Skąd: дикая охота Status: offline
Grupy: AntyWiP Tajna Loża Knujów WOM
Wysłany: 01-09-2013, 00:16
Deadlandsy jednak ssą. Mam ambitny plan, żeby przejść na mechanikę WoDa, konkretnie pewnie Huntera. Wkrótce podrzucę podręcznik, żebyście mogli przerobić postacie.
Realia świata nie ulegają zmianie - dalej jest to Dziwny Dziki Zachód. |
_________________ I can survive in the vacuum of Space
Alan Tudyk Droid

Dołączył: 11 Maj 2003 Skąd: дикая охота Status: offline
Grupy: AntyWiP Tajna Loża Knujów WOM
Wysłany: 01-09-2013, 01:05
Professional Training (• to •••••)
- Spoiler: pokaż / ukryj
- Effect: Your character has been on the job for a while, and has grown skilled in the areas important to her Profession. This Merit refl ects your character’s job experience, natural prowess at the talents important to her line of work and how well she can learn and grow within her fi eld. Each of the Professions listed later in this chapter has two Asset Skills associated with it. Players choose a free Specialty in one of those Skills at character creation, and characters probably have at least a dot in both of the Asset Skills. Characters do nothave to begin with a dot in Professional Training, though, in order to choose a Profession. The Professional Training Merit is progressive; a character can’t have Continuing Educationuntil she has Networking. The Professional Training ranks listed in the individual write-ups of the Professions beginning on p. 74 allow a good shorthand for how well trained a given character is. A Hacker character with two dots of the Professional Training Merit can be called a “Programmer,” while one with fi ve dots is a “Genius.” Characters, of course, don’t use this nomenclature, but it can be handy way for players to note roughly how experienced their hunters are.
• Networking:
- Spoiler: pokaż / ukryj
- Your character has amassed the contact information for people in her chosen Profession. At low levels of the Merit, she is an up-and-comer, asking questions of older and more established colleagues. As her Professional Training increases, people start coming to herwith questions, requests for advice and consultations, offers to coauthor papers, and invitations to speak at conventions. In game terms, the character is considered to have the Contacts Merit (see p. 114 of the World of Darkness Rulebook) equal to her rating in Professional Training, in addition to the other benefi ts that later levels provide. Every time a hunter character gains a dot of Professional Training, the player must choose a sub-fi eld of the Profession for this portion of the Merit.
Note that the Networking facet of this Merit does not preclude the player from purchasing the Contacts Merit separately, nor does it imply any special relationship with any one particular person in the areas specifi ed. It simply means that the character saves business cards, writes down numbers, buys drinks at conventions or otherwise pays attention to the people he meets.
•• Continuing Education:
- Spoiler: pokaż / ukryj
- As part of her growth within her fi eld, the character learns new skills that are applicable to what she does. Sometimes, the character fi nds herself learning things she never thought would apply to her Profession. An Academic might take a class in physiology and fi nd she has a passion for it, signing up for gross anatomy classes, learning fi rst aid and thus gain dots in the Medicine Skill. When the player purchases this dot of Professional Training, the player chooses a third Asset Skill. If the player takes this Merit at character creation, she can take her free Specialty in any of her three Asset Skills.
The Storyteller is the fi nal arbiter of whether a given Skill is an appropriate choice.
••• Breadth of Knowledge:
- Spoiler: pokaż / ukryj
- A character who settles into the routine of her job never stops learning, but probably doesn’t learn new aptitudes so much as how to make better use of her existing ones. In game terms, this “breadth of knowledge” is best represented by Specialties. Upon purchase of this dot of
Professional Training, the cost for Specialties in Asset Skills drops to 2 experience points per Specialty.
•••• On-the-Job Training:
- Spoiler: pokaż / ukryj
- Schooling is no substitute for experience. A character who has been at her Profession for a long time (and who dedicates herself to it, rather than just coasting or dodging work), progresses effi ciently within her field. She learns not just facts, but patterns, tricks, shortcuts and truisms that help her do her job well. In game terms, characters at this level of Professional Training pay only (new dots x 2) for Asset Skills, rather than (new dots x 3).
Drawback: The problem is that picking up new Skills is difficult for those who specialize. Buying the fi rst dot of a new non-Asset Skill costs one extra point of experience (four points, rather than
three). This increase does not affect raising the Skill further; it just represents a steeper learning curve, because the character has to shake herself out of her routine a bit more than others in order to learn new talents.
••••• A Day on the Job:
- Spoiler: pokaż / ukryj
- Characters who achieve this level of competence at their Professions are envied, highly sought after and extremely rare. The character might not be the most Skilled person on the planet (i.e., might not have an Asset Skill at fi ve dots), but she has learned so much about the application of those Skills that she can do her job in her sleep. When the player spends a Willpower point on a roll involving an Asset Skill, and that use of the Skill is something that would fall into the daily purview of the character, the roll can instead become a rote action(rather than the usual +3 dice for spending a Willpower point). Details on the rote action rule can be found in the World of Darkness Rulebook, pp. 134–135. “Daily purview” means that the action is something the character would encounter on a regular basis in the course of his job. A Soldier could use the ability in a firefight. A Detective could use it while searching a crime scene. An Occultist could use it for research, and so on. The exact Skill being used isn’t as important as the way in which it is used. For instance, a Laborer who uses the Crafts Skill to fi x cars and other machines couldn’t use this Merit to turn baking a cake into a rote action, even though it’s covered by the same Skill. Note that hunting down and killing monsters isn’t a matter of routine for anyone, and so while a hunter can use A Day on the Job in a fi ght with a monster, he cannotuse it on a Tactics roll (see p. 217).
Drawback: While a character canuse this Merit to make a combat roll into a rote action, doing so forces the character to concentrate on following through the attack above all else. The character receives no Defense during that turn. Also, the character cannot specify a target (see p. 165 of the World of Darkness Rulebook). In addition, the Storyteller may determine that the scene of combat is simply too
out of the ordinary to fall under the “daily purview” rule. See the sidebar entitled “Combat by ‘Rote’” for
more information on rote actions in combat.
Profesje i przynależne asset skills:
- Spoiler: pokaż / ukryj
- Academic:Academics and Science
Artist: Crafts and Expression
Athlete:Athletics and Medicine
Cop:Streetwise and Firearms
Criminal: Larceny and Streetwise
Detective: Empathy and Investigation
Doctor: Empathy and Medicine
Engineer: Crafts and Science
Hacker:Computer and Science (umówmy się, że nie w tej kampanii...)
Hit Man: Firearms and Stealth
Journalist: Expression and Investigation
Laborer: Athletics and Crafts
Occultist:Investigation and Occult
Proffesional: Academics and Persuasion
Religious Leader: Academics and Occult
Scientist: Investigation and Science
Socialite: Politics and Socialize
Soldier: Firearms and Survival
Technician: Crafts and Investigation
Vagrant: Streetwise and Survival
_________________ I can survive in the vacuum of Space
Alan Tudyk Droid

Dołączył: 11 Maj 2003 Skąd: дикая охота Status: offline
Grupy: AntyWiP Tajna Loża Knujów WOM
Wysłany: 01-09-2013, 03:09
Houserulowa propozycja Endowmentów:
księża katoliccy i miszcze kung fu: Benediction
indiańscy szamani: Elixir (Puma musiałaby się wpierw wtajemniczyć do jednego z indiańskich tajnych stowarzyszeń)
kapłani Voodoo: Castigation
Szaleni naukowcy: Armory |
_________________ I can survive in the vacuum of Space

Dołączył: 23 Sty 2003 Status: offline
Grupy: AntyWiP WIP
Wysłany: 01-09-2013, 10:59
Nic z tego nie rozumiem, ale okej. |
_________________ You don't have to thank me. Though, you do have to get me donuts. |
Alan Tudyk Droid

Dołączył: 11 Maj 2003 Skąd: дикая охота Status: offline
Grupy: AntyWiP Tajna Loża Knujów WOM
Wysłany: 01-09-2013, 11:43
Endowmenty to katalog dostępnych błogosławieństw/zaklęć/eliksirów/relikwii etc. dostępnych dla członków pewnych organizacji Hunterów. Wkrótce postaram się udostępnić podręczniki, więc będziecie mogli sprawdzić co dokładnie Wam proponuję. |
_________________ I can survive in the vacuum of Space
Wędrowiec Astralny

Dołączył: 25 Lut 2004 Skąd: Przestrzeń Astralna (Warszawa) Status: offline
Grupy: Tajna Loża Knujów
Wysłany: 01-09-2013, 19:01
A karciarze robią Maga ;-)? |

Dołączyła: 22 Maj 2009 Status: offline
Grupy: Melior Absque Chrisma WOM
Wysłany: 01-09-2013, 19:16
Bu, ja się nie zgadzam! Jak w innym systemie mam stresować pozostałych graczy przy każdym strzale? |
_________________ Gdy w czarsmutśleniu cichym stał,
Płomiennooki Dżabbersmok
Zagrzmudnił pośród srożnych skał,
Sapgulcząc poprzez mrok!

Dołączyła: 08 Lis 2009 Skąd: wiesz? Status: offline
Grupy: Tajna Loża Knujów
Wysłany: 01-09-2013, 19:41
Sas, nie martw się, co fajniejsze rzeczy z podręcznika z Deadlandsów zapewne przeniesiemy na grunt nowej mechaniki. Już sama rozmawiałam z Ysenem w tej sprawie, bo jest pewna zdolność którą bardzo chcę. :D |
_________________ "People ask me for advice all the time, and they ask me to help out. I'm always considerate of others, and I can read situations. Wait, aren't I too perfect?! Aren't I an awesome chick!?"
Alan Tudyk Droid

Dołączył: 11 Maj 2003 Skąd: дикая охота Status: offline
Grupy: AntyWiP Tajna Loża Knujów WOM
Wysłany: 02-09-2013, 21:16
WoD - Corebook
Hunter: The Vigil
Na start dostajecie bonus 60 expa, żeby dobić do poziomu z końca sesji zjazdowej.
Exp w Hunterze.jpg Dołączam tabelkę wydawania expa |
Plik ściągnięto 21 raz(y) 98,11 KB |
_________________ I can survive in the vacuum of Space
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