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Dołączyła: 20 Lut 2006 Skąd: 波伦 Status: offline
Grupy: Alijenoty Fanklub Lacus Clyne
Wysłany: 04-07-2008, 01:43
-Może lubię na Ciebie patrzeć i wyobrażać sobie jak smakujesz?
Jeździec bez głowy
– Szefie... Może im jednak powiedzmy, że się skończyło paliwo?
– Z uśmiechem panowie, z uśmiechem, nie wypadać z roli...
-Nasza dziewczynka poszła mordować ludzi...
7 lat w Tybecie
-W poprzednim życiu ta niewinna dżdżownica mogła być twoją matką.
-Przekaż mojej żonie, że dwa lata obozu, to jak cztery lata małżeństwa.
Vanilla Sky
– Czy to nie zabawne? Ja jestem zamrożony, ty nie żyjesz, a ja nadal cię kocham...
– No, to faktycznie mamy problem
Gwiezdne Wojny
-Rób, albo nie, nie ma próbowania.
Chwilowo tyle... :) |
Pan Patafian

Dołączył: 04 Lis 2007 Skąd: Leszno/polter Status: offline
Wysłany: 04-07-2008, 14:46
Z Gwiezdnych Wojen kultowe jest też według mnie: I have a bad feelings about this. ;-)
Poza tym kolejne cytaty, które kłębią się w mojej głowie:
Rambo 3
Rozmowa (o Rambo) Zaysena z pułkownikiem Trautmanem:
-Kim on jest Bogiem?!
-Bóg jest miłosierny, on nie.
Rozmowa o naszym małomównym bohaterze (Pierwsza Krew, gawędzą Trautman i szeryf jakiś tam :P) .
-Mamy dwustu ludzi.
-To przygotujcie dużo worków na trupy.
No i kult dla mnie przez mało kogo osiągalny :>
Rambo 3. Pułkownik Trautman torturowany przez radzieckiego oficera:
-Where are the missiles located?
-They are close
-How close?
-... no i odpowiedź jest tak kultowa że nie trzeba jej chyba pisać (co chyba częściowo kłóciło by się z regulaminem :P).
Pozdrówka |
_________________ Moim zdaniem... cement jest o wiele... bardziej interesujący... niż to się ludziom wydaje. - RJ Patafian. |
Merill J. Fernando

Dołączył: 08 Sie 2007 Skąd: Leszno/Sfery Status: offline
Wysłany: 04-07-2008, 20:25
Miodzio z Dragon Balla:
- To niesamowite!
- Nie wytrzymał nawet pięciu minut!
- Co za moc!
- Nie robi to na mnie najmniejszego wrażenia. xD |
_________________ Duk said (czy coś takiego) - spróbuj i Ty xD |
Mature red dragon

Dołączył: 17 Lut 2008 Skąd: Łódź, Polska Status: offline
Wysłany: 05-07-2008, 23:48
Gwiezdne Wojny:
"Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter." - Yoda |
_________________ Staring through eyes of hate we kill
Are we controlled or is it our own will..? |
Mature red dragon

Dołączył: 17 Lut 2008 Skąd: Łódź, Polska Status: offline
Wysłany: 29-07-2008, 23:56
Zrobię wyjątek i rzucę się paroma dłuższymi cytatami z gry komputerowej. Po prostu jest tak cudownie filmowa, że szkoda gadać :) (wg. niektórych najlepsza gra wszechczasów)
I remember stories of a glorious civilisation...
Of cities with spires that reached the sun...
Of a blue planet with vast seas...
Of people with myths of humanity everlasting...
Of children who saw in the embers of dying stars the destiny of their race,
and they hurled themselves into the void of space with no fear!
They say our people have no present,
only a past filled with horror
and a future they can only dream of...
And we discovered subspace. It gave us our galaxy and it gave us the universe. And we saw other advanced life. And we subdued it or we crushed it. In months the extermination of billions of years of evolution on a similar but slower path. With subspace our empire would surely know no boundaries.
When the destroyers came for us we attacked. Never had we been defeated. They like the others. Strange, hideous, resisting, fighting. Only these were not like the others. They did not die. We made our first retreat. We could forego one system. We left it to the destroyers and went elsewhere. But they followed, they hunted us. They followed us when we retreated, discovered where we lived.
And we retreated to our home system. Abandoned our empire. We believed at home we would be safe. For they are not a terrestrial species.
We know when we entered subspace we were trespassers. But our planet is our home. And yet still they came. And our world is gone.
There are a few of us left. We know we will soon be gone. And so we can see our fate as others will see it. There will be little legacy. No great expressions of what we once were. Our technology, our achievements if ever they are seen again will spawn none of the awe that filled our conquests.
We know our fate. We are being eliminated. When we travelled subspace the cosmic destroyers took note.
When we conquered and colonised in galaxies where we had no place the destruction and the anguish and the loss were the clarion call of our doom. And so the destroyers came for us
There is little left for us. Little time. But much irony.
We did discover they are not invulnerable. The destroyers that darkened our skies like a plague can be harmed. But we have no way to deliver the hurt.
We have the knowledge but not the means. And so this is our legacy...
Czy po prostu perełka:
- Spoiler: pokaż / ukryj
- Bitwa
- Colossus, the Juggernaut has sustained only moderate damage. You need to direct more energy through your main guns!
- Heat sinks were not made for this kind of abuse, Command! We'll melt down our cannons if we push any harder.
- More firepower, Colossus! The hull integrity of the Sathanas has fallen below fifty percent.
- Secondary and Tertiary reactors are down! Fire control is on the verge of redline! We're giving it all we got!
Po bitwie
At 0345 hours, the GTVA Colossus destroyed the Shivan juggernaut Sathanas near the Gamma Draconis jump node in Capella. This victory proves without a doubt our technological superiority over our Great War nemesis! |
_________________ Staring through eyes of hate we kill
Are we controlled or is it our own will..? |
Mature red dragon

Dołączył: 17 Lut 2008 Skąd: Łódź, Polska Status: offline
Wysłany: 09-10-2008, 19:08
Smokiem i Mieczem
- To bandyci!
- Nie, to moi ludzie!
- Pomyśl... czy choć raz twoi ludzie przyjechali na czas?
- Dobra, to bandyci... |
_________________ Staring through eyes of hate we kill
Are we controlled or is it our own will..? |
Panzer Panzer~

Dołączył: 15 Gru 2007 Status: offline
Grupy: Samotnia złośliwych Trolli
Wysłany: 09-10-2008, 20:38
Film kultowy, cytaty jeszcze bardziej
Z helikoptera wysiada dowódca i 2 ludzi. Dowódca do podkomendnych:
- Obstawcie teren
Arni trzyma kolesia za szyję nad przepaścią. Arni:
- Pamiętasz jak mówiłem, że zabiję cię na końcu?
- Tak
- Kłamałem |
_________________ Mam przywilej [nie] być Człowiekiem
But nvidia cards don't melt, they just melt everything within 50 meters.
Dołączyła: 24 Wrz 2008 Status: offline
Wysłany: 14-10-2008, 11:53
You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
Turkish: You take sugar?
Brick Top: No thank you, Turkish; I'm sweet enough.
Policeman: What's in the car?
Turkish: Seats and a steering wheel.
I'm driving down the road with your head stuck in my window. What does it look like I'm doin'?
Bo Snatch jest genialny. I jest jeszcze strasznie dużo dobrych cytatów, ale ze względu na wulgaryzmy nie mogą się tu znaleźć. Ale takie klasyki jak scena z Desert Eagle to pewnie i tak każdy zna ;)
No i jeszcze kilka z Piratów
Jack Sparrow: [after Will draws his sword] Put it away, son. It's not worth you getting beat again.
Will Turner: You didn't beat me. You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fight, I'd kill you.
Jack Sparrow: That's not much incentive for me to fight fair, then, is it?
Jack Sparrow: If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.
Jack Sparrow: Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid. |
Chatoyant -Usunięty-
Wysłany: 13-03-2009, 09:53
Z filmu Dedication - ostatnio mój ulubiony cytat:
Cytat: | Henry: Okay, uh, before we can, uh... work effectively with one another, I think we should be comfortable. So, ten minutes, okay? Then - then work. Okay? Go. Okay, I'll start. Uh, I hate my mother. I hate my goddamn dead father more. Rudy was the only friend I ever had. I had a girlfriend once who I used to like to masturbate to more than have sex with. Carrots and snakes frighten me. Umm... I'm superstitious about the numbers...
[holds up three fingers, then six fingers, then seven fingers, crosses himself, blows into his fist, and makes a motion as if to throw the breath away]
Henry: I can only stir things counterclockwise, and I know that if I don't, something bad will happen. I take size eleven-and-a-half shoe. I don't have a favourite book. Umm... Oh... What's crucial? Oh, I don't drive or ride in cars. Statistically speaking, you have a 100% chance of being in an accident in your lifetime. They're death boxes. I give to Amnesty International on the off chance I'm ever imprisoned and tortured for my political beliefs. Paradoxically, I have no political beliefs. Umm... life is pain. Black kids are cuter than white ones. What's important? Uh... I didn't mean it when I compared you to our waitress. I was only trying to hurt you. I could've been meaner about your looks, and what I would've said would have made you cry. Umm... I have a towel I can't throw out 'cause it may have feelings. When I ejaculate, I go into deep depressions. Though by any standard you're a nice person, I deeply resent having to work with you. I love Japanese monster movies. Gamera, specifically.
Lucy: Gamera movies? |
No i niezapomniany końcowy dialog w łazience. |
a taki jeden...

Dołączył: 02 Wrz 2005 Skąd: Resko Status: offline
Wysłany: 20-04-2009, 18:17
AntiTrust (w polskiej wersji językowej znane jako "Konspiracja.com")
Gary Winston - This buisness is binale. You are one or zero... Alive... or dead
Milo Hoffman - Human knowledge belongs to the world |
Mistrz Sztuk Tajemnych.

Dołączył: 27 Sie 2006 Skąd: Edinburgh. Status: offline
Grupy: Alijenoty Fanklub Lacus Clyne
Wysłany: 16-04-2010, 03:31
-(z wyrzutem) You used to believe in what we do!
-(z przekąsem) I used to believe in the Tooth-fairy. |
_________________ ...
Sm00k -Usunięty-
Wysłany: 16-04-2010, 13:46
Thank you for everything, you useless reptile - How to Train Your Dragon

Dołączył: 18 Kwi 2010 Status: offline
Wysłany: 18-04-2010, 15:19
– Hej, masz herbatnika, jak Ci się udało go zdobyć?
– Rozgryzłem ten Twój skomplikowany mechanizm.
– Niedźwiedziom zajęło to dwie godziny. |
Aspect of Insanity

Dołączył: 28 Gru 2008 Status: offline
Grupy: Syndykat WOM
Wysłany: 26-06-2011, 21:05
Sweeney Todd
"At last, my arm is complete again" (po dobyciu brzytwy)
2001: Space Odyssey
"I'm sorry Dave"
Pulp Fiction
"Zed is dead baby, Zed is dead..."
"- You okay?
- No, man. I am pretty fuckin' far from okay." (choć to w polskim tłumaczeniu brzmi lepiej)
"- Man, I shot Marvin in the face
- Why the fuck you do that?!"
Natural Born Killers
"I'm a natural born killer"
"Hello Jack, Mickey's back!"
"How sexy am I now?!"
Donnie Darko
"- Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?
- Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"
"- Donnie Darko? What the hell kind of name is that? It's like some sort of superhero or something.
- What makes you think I'm not?"
"- I met a new friend
- Real or imaginary?
- Imaginary"
Repo Man
"- What about our relationship?
- What?
- Our relationship!
- Fuck that"
"- Whatcha got in the trunk?
- Oh... You don't wanna look in there"
"I'm picking up the dead body. I've got my hands around it. I'm carrying his limp torso to the truck. He feels like he's been dead only a little while."
Reservoir Dogs
"If you fucking beat this prick long enough, he'll tell you he started the goddamn Chicago fire, now that don't necessarily make it fucking so! "
"- Alright, Mr. Fucking Compassion! I will call somebody!
- Who?
- A fucking snakecharmer! What do you think? I'll call a doctor! "
Za nadużywanie mięsa w dwóch ostatnich przepraszam, to wina Tarantino.
Zapomniałem o jednym. Ostatni cytat z Repo Man pochodzi z jednej z najbardziej chorych scen jakie kiedykolwiek widziałem. |
_________________ That is all in your head.
I am and I are all we. |
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